Our History
Purple Cushhh was born in 2017 and our path brought us to a range of natural products designed to better your world in general. Through time we have built a strong belief in mother natures garden to heal the biology of our being and recognized the need for alternative supplements to a healthier life. As a common goal, our passion is to assist individuals with knowledge and provide a solution to normal basic healthcare. Our passion is health through natures garden provided to us by God.
What We Want To Achieve
Our main goal is to distribute a variety of natural products and create awareness around the healing properties of mother natures garden. We have an absolute passion for natures healing power and support self-education around health in general. In our world God is love and we promote human rights and the freedom of choice to the fullest. The existence of Purple Cushhh is a direct confirmation of the power of prayer and our contribution to bringing Heaven to earth is part of our long term goal. In God we trust.
Where We Are
We are a group of normal individuals put together by Gods will to distribute a range of products to benefit anybody who is interested. Distribution is our game and our special ability is service. Kindly contact any of our friendly, loving and helpful members today. God bless you!