Review 1
Ek het nie in my gesig meer vreeslik aknee nie,maar ek kry wel aan die agterkant van my arms en my rug soms nog knoppies,soms soos ñ uitslag,ek het hierdie roompie noual paar aande aan my arms gesmeer,dit ruik vars en dit laat voel my arms defnietief gladder. Moenie dat sy kleur jou afskrik nie,dit ruik gesond en smeer mooi in.

Review 2
The Purple Cushhh bird oil is incredible! It helped my parrot so much!

Review 3
I lost so much weight, people think my daughters are my sisters!

Review 4
I lost 40kg by using the Wondernut Seed! I would recommend this product to anyone wanting to lose weight!

Review 5
I like the fat booster I even feel a difference in my clothes and it sends me more frequently to the bathroom. I also find it makes me dehydrated so I’m forced to increase my water intake, which is a good thing!

Review 6
My mom has been using the Wondernut Diabetes for about a month and after our mis-hap with the injection and her sugar level spiking we decided that she will continue using both the injection and the tablets. Her monthly appointment at the day hospital was today and her sugar was 8 for the first time in all the years of her attending day hospital. 👌

Review 7
I started using the magnesium with the ultimate human last week Monday and wow today it kicked in. I woke up for the first time with no chest pains since my heart attack and had so much energy. I felt so good and energized. I am still feeling amazing. I have also been using the happy go lucky for almost a month but the combination is working for me. AND my cardiologist said it is safe for me to use.

Review 8
Ons jongste ” agent” is 11 jaar oud; Francois my outistiese ” pasient” hy was vndag vir die eerste keer terug skool toe, en die juffrou se hy is n droom kind, sy kan dit nie glo, hy kry R10 op Elke botteltijie wat hy verkoop😄, so hy vertel vir almal hy op happy pills.

Review 9
The weight loss booster is working wonderfully. I think the booster is really helping. Will definitely be ordering again. 👌

Review 10
Ek moet bevestig dat ek sukkel vreeslik met IBS en van ek die Colon Active begin gebruik het, is my maag gereeld elke oggend as ek wakker word. Dit werk fantasties!

Review 11
Ek dink ek moet maar weer vi “happy’s” bestel….😊
Ek is ‘n nuwe mens …. ek is eintlik bang vi myself …☺️🌸

Review 12
Ek weet of in mens mag nie ma ek kan my self nie help nie van 69kg tot 67kg in n week se tyd 😆

Review 13
Ek kan getuig, Purple Cushhh se Milk Thistle werk fantasties. Ek drink 3 net as ek weet ek gaan die dag verkeerd eet en drink. Kan dit aanbeveel vir almal in die feestyd 👌🏻.

Review 14
I lost 37KG using Wondernut!

Review 15
Stress free is n wonderlike slaap middel , ek sukkel in aande dat my brein afskakel; en nou raak ek omtrent dadelik aan slaap

Review 16
2 weeks after using Liver Plus, my dermatitis has gone and also has not spread anywhere else.

Review 17
Client using Weight Loss Booster and Now or Never

Review 18
I have always been a sugar addict and my capacity for chocolate , puddings and bread are legendary . But now my eating habits have changed , not because of a conscious decision to cut out those foods , but because I feel absolutely no cravings for any chocolates , puddings , bread AT ALL. This has never happened to me before. Even over the Festive Season I carried on slowly losing weight. A lot of small changes add up over time …🌈

Review 19
Hierdie 4 Produkte het my sinusontsteking binne ’n week gesond gehad! Evt die ogend van di 31ste Des die producte Gerry – ek het koor gehad en was daar soort siek dat ek moes dr toe gaan en antibiotika kry – maar ek besluit to geen dr vir my hierdie keer die! Evt net vd druppels binnen n uur verlichting begin voel en die aard het ek zoveel beter gevoel dat ek buite by die vuur gesit het… ekt soggens en Saans 2 vd Health Factor gedrink en die Clear Allerway drops 4 x per dag bedrink. Die spuit en drupples ook 4 x per dag… ek het vinniger gezond geraak met hierdie produkte as wat die dr se antibiotika en pille sou begin werk… PPC producten is maar net die BESTE!

Review 20
Had a light bulb moment last night and drank the alkalizer right before I went to sleep and what a wonderful nights sleep I had!!! Am feeling a lot better. I usually battle with heartburn and reflux at night.
** This client has stomach cancer and has 17cm of her oesophagus removed and her stomach is now on her left chest . She now suffers from debilitating heartburn . One of the products that she has started on is the alkaliser .

Review 21
Dankie Tronel vir jou raad met my spastiese dikderm, die 2 botteltjies red my lewe. Ek drink die colon active en digest plus in oggend en dan weer in aand, en saam met dit die liver ease.

Review 22
My husband has been struggling with pain on his chest since 27 December 2020. After a week of it not getting better he decided to go to the GP. She gave him prazoloc to see if anything changes. Those pills did nothing. Pain got worse. I got the Ursolic acid and immediately the pain was a thing of the past. Amazing product!

Review 23
I am using the magnesium and vit D3 and found I feel a lot better in general.

Review 24
I feel amazing ! I’ve been using the Wondernut+ Purple Cush weightloss booster+ Moringa for 3 weeks and I can feel and see a difference. I feel lighter when I walk and feel more energetic and my clothing fits looser too. I used the Moringa after I had Covid and I dont feel so tired like before. I drink a lot of water and eat fruits everyday. I really love this Combo, coz my tummy fat was stiff and hard and now it feels pap and loose 🙊 lmkl…I suppose that is why my tummy look smaller.

Review 25
Thank you once again my friend. My body needed that Moringa. Yoh!! I feel better already..❤

Review 26
Ek is n week nou op Now or Never. Drink dit oggend en aand op nugter maag. Voel al klaar n verskil aan my klere en dit help vreeslik baie om maag skoon te kry. Amazing eetlus demper. Word glad nie honger deur die dag. 🥳🥳

Review 27
Ek wil net dankie se dat jy vir my gese het van die Purple Crush Liver kapsule te neem. Ek is op baie chroniese medikasie, en ek was baie bang om te vat, want ek was op punt wat niks werk vir my nie, maak nie saak wat ek doen nie. BANG, dis dag 4 en voel soos n nuwe mens, ek ongelooflik, ek is glad nie meer geswel nie, met al die water wat ek op gebou het, het ek alles verloor, binne 4 dae is ek 2.5 kg af. Dit is regtig n wonderlike produk.

Review 28
I never weighed me from the start. But I feel different. I am not so tired during the day… I am not so hungry. I feel more comfortable in my dresses. Less bloatedness …though the dress size is still the same. I also sleep better. I don’t know if it is because of this but its definitely after I started using this product.

Review 29
I noticed a change within the first week. I no longer feel bloated. I used to suffer from swollen hands, legs, and feet but never experienced any swelling since I started my Wondernut journey. I’ve also noticed that I no longer have cravings, and. I get full quicker than before. Although I forgot to take my measurements prior to using the products, I can already see the difference because my clothes already fit me better.

Review 30
I donate blood often, the nurses say that I am the healthiest I have ever been. Your iron should be 12.5 and my iron is 16.6 – the Moringa helps a lot!

Review 31
Purple Cushhh’s Vitamin E, Liver Tonic, Lipid-Curcumin and Health Factor are amazing! The pictures speak for themselves.

Review 32
Ek het a new lease on life gekry, mense weitie hoe hot flushes n mens kan opkuil nie en in m tipe werk kan mens nie moeg weisie, dankie!

Review 33
I lost about 14kgs with your products and an eating plan….very impressed!

Review 34
My man praat met sy ma vroeër… ons het mos vir haar daai colon active, digest plus, taurine, alkalizer en aikona pain en als bestel laas. Sy sê daai goed werk so goed vir haar maag en dat sy eintlik wil aanbeveel dat julle sommer ‘n prop ook saam stuur vir mense volgende keer 😂🤪

Review 35
My kliente in die Wellness centre het onlangs van n leer afgeval en haar knie seergemaak. Haar dokter het kortisoon gespyt en steeds wou die knie nie beter raak nie. Na 2 dae van Lipid Curcumin Inflamation, is sy weer terug in die gym.

Review 36
Glo nou vas die liver plus is die oplossing vir al sy kwale want niks pyn nou meer nie.. Maar hy dri k nog steeds die collagen. Gooi dit in Sy oggend koffie. Hy se hy proe dit nie daarin nie. Maar dankie vir terugvoering sal hom se.

Review 37
Klient gekla van pyn op maag. Regs waar niere is. Sy is aanbeveel om Digest en More te gebruik en voel baie beter.

Review 38
More almal! Ek is not in my 2de maand, en son die week glad nine my neut drink nie, want ek is sick. Begin weer more. Jullie wonder nou hoekom ek jul dit vertel? Wel aan die wat soon ek, getwyfel het of die neut werk, dit doen! Ek is 7kg af, en 12cm om middel en heupe af. My morsmaat het ook gekrimp, want ek moes my bra ook verstel. Ek is nie ’n agent die, en probeer nie die neut verkoop nie. Al wat ek wil se is, hou moed en hou aan, menie opgeë nie.

Review 39
Ek het vanaf Maart tot en met vandag 23 July 17.3kg verloor. En 20cm’s, Net op die neut, weightloss booster en moringa. En die vorige keer het ek slegs die neut gebruik. En oor 6 maande nog So die Booster doen regtg daai ekstra saam met die neut. Well done aan Wondernut en Purple Cusshhh❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Review 40
Dit werk goed,ek eet Minimal servings, en daai LUS om n tweede serving te eet is weg.

Review 41
Good day. Just want to let you know… This is my second day on Moringa…. I had a bad Irritating cough, after covid effect….. and this is now my second day that the cough stopped…. I assume it can be the Moringa….. Feel energized
2021/09/ 09

Review 42
Been using the Chia cap for a few days now and I must say Im very impressed with the results. Flushing the toxins from the body and helping with weight loss. My go 2 product at he moment
2021/09/ 09

Review 43
Hi Marhese, I thought i would give you an update. I am so excited, when i started mu journey, my chest was 126cm, it is now 123, my waist was 120cm, its now 114cm and my hips was 124cm, its now 116cm, its such a good feeling. Thank you
2021/09/ 09

Review 44
Good morning. Good news, Sugar levels below 10 for first time in weeks, thought you might like to know . I’m so excited
2021/10/ 27

Review 45
Good morning Marhese, i trust you are well, i just wanted to share with you, i am down to 95kgs from 102kg, thanks again for everything, and i may have 2 clients for you.
2021/11/ 02

Review 46
OMW, daai naam moet wees miracle cream. Ek is beaty consaltant en werk met verskillende soorte creams, maae yoh, ek kon n verskil sien binne 3dae…….. Awesome stuff i tell you
2021/11/ 06

Review 47
My man se dit maak GROOT verskil. Sy Ystervlake kom af en hy het minder hoofpyn en lyfseer
2021/11/ 11

Review 48
It help with my cravings. And i must say since i been using your product i lost 4kg and i look beautiful, i have gained my self confidence back. I was 104kg now 100,1kg
2021/11/ 14

Review 49
Goeie more Lu…. Wil net laat weet ek is net 3 weke op nuwe Chia combo en ek het baie centimeter verloor. Ek is so in my noppies. Ek hou so baie van die Chia kapsule dit demp my eetlus heeltemal. Kry nie eers cravings vir lekkergoed nie
2021/11/ 17

Review 50
Wow Frieda. Kan jy glo ek het in n week se tyd 3,55kg op die nuwe combo verloor. Lyk of ek my doelwit vinniger gaan bereik
2021/11/ 18

Review 51
Ek het 6kg verloor in n maand met die Chia cap. WOW
2021/11/ 18

Review 52
Good morning just some feed back on the products I purchased especially the Ease Menapause its absolutely fab, I love it. I have more energy and my libido, which was so low and now I’m driving. Hitting menopause has affected my libido, eight and dry vaginal which is there no more. I’m very impressed with your products God’s answer to my prayers
2021/11/ 18

Review 53
I cant focus without my moringa and cant sleep without my Weight loss booster
2021/11/ 22

Review 54
Morning. Remember I recommended you to my client. Wow her daughter is using the DNA cream….. And I could immediately see the difference in her skin
2021/11/ 29

Review 55
More more. Update op Andre en Collagen…. Sy Artritis vingers wat nie kon buig nie, kan al verder kom as gewoontlik! Wel nog nie verskil in rug nie, maar ons is geduldig. En dis net na 4 Dae van die Collagen

Review 56
Just want to say that my Prescribed anti Depressants have been finished for 2 days now. And I’m not going to refill my script again. I’m going to stick to these amazing natural products of Purple Cushhh. Currently using Liver plus, Nervous System, Stem cell Booster and Mental Clarity. Thanks again

Review 57
Marhese my Wondernut room is so te se klaar… Stuur asb more vir my, ek kan nie sonder dit gaan nie,beste room nog ooit vir my

Review 58
My cousin had a rash on both his ears. 3 Days of using the Vitamin E oil and there isnt even a sign of the rash. I am so impressed with this product. Thank you Purple cushhh

Review 59
This product far exceeded my expectations. Granny had a lot of pain in the knees because of arthritis. Knees started to swell. We gave her one of the Magnesium and Vit D5 caps. Swelling and pain were gone the next morning when she woke up. She has been using it ever since. No more pain in the knees.

Review 60
Dankie Lu anne vir die raad met my seun se voorskrif, hy het dit nog nie begin neem nie,maar mamma het.
Magnesium + Vit D3, Vit B5, Organic Minerals en Mental Clarity. Ek het na my ma se afsterwe en jare se versorging van haar, trauma ervaar en skielik vergeetagtig geraak, slapeloosheid ens. My energie is op, my fokus is sharp en ek voel sommer net beter, slaap ook beter. Dankie

Review 61
Daai Purple Cushhh Stress combo is amazing. Ek voel soos n ander mens. Ekt weer n hupple in my stap en n lus vir die lewe. Selfs my man sien die verskil in my. 10/10

Review 62
Goeie more Lu-anne. Ek my nou gemeet. Dit lank laas gedoen, want ek kry klomp komplimente. 40cm af. Vanaf 135cm na 95cm

Review 63
Hey there Marhese. Just wanted to share my good news with you. So tomorrow is exactly 2 weeks I’m using the combo and I’ve lost 3kg. :):):) Plus I eat what I want, no planned diet or anything. Chips, Choclate sweets everyday. I swear this is by far great it makes me eat less but i can also have just what i feel like. Thank you so much, Will definitely place my order for new month

Review 64
Gm Lu-anne, hope you slept well? Just letting you know that i woke up with less pain this morning. What a great start on my journey. Then I took 2 caps this morning and after 6 im still pain free